Friday, August 28, 2015

Personal Manifesto

5 interesting or unique facts about my current self is one I love to play soccer.  Two when it comes to school work, I become a workaholic, I will work till I meet my own expectations. Three I'm often quite when I meet someone I'm not very familiar with. Four I help my grandparents with farm work, every Monday and Friday from 3pm-7pm we have a market and all the produce is fresh from the farm.  Five, when I have a challenge I'm not afraid to take on the challenge,even if it gets too difficult.

My manifesto this year is...Be myself, Control my own life, Make good choices, Don't let others bring you down, Be original, Don't be afraid to speak my mind, Do it don't just say it.

My manifesto applies to my readers because for some people (including me) other people control their lives and other people shouldn't control your life. Also people think it's fun to bring other people down and it's not, so if someone brings you down, don't let them just stand up tall and smile. Another way my manifesto applies to my readers is sometimes people think its fun to try and be someone they aren't, you should't be anyone but yourself "you were born as an original, don't die as a copy"-unknown.

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