Friday, February 27, 2015

Double Exposed Portraits

Portrait Photography is a photo of a person or group of people that display their expression,personality,and or mood. With portrait photography it's the persons whole face, unlike profile which is the side view of the face.Also with having a silhouette the image is completely featureless, but even if it is completely plain you can still tell its a person because of the outline. 

Double exposure is created in photoshop by taking 3 photos profile, and 2 symbolic images that represent you,then opening photoshop and clicking file>script>load files into stack.You then outline the shape of the portrait, so around the face is where you should outline first, once you finish outlining the face, make the rest of the background completely white. Then crop your image to be 8.5" x 11" or any size you would like. Then take the 2 images that you took and change it to screen mode. You then can explore and change it to what you like. Such as clicking Layer>New  adjustment Layer>Curves or Exposure.

The 2 photos I took is my book that I am currently reading called Cress and the other photo is a flower that I drew. I chose these 2 photos because I love to read books especially one that seems interesting and the flower because I love to be creative and draw whatever comes to my mind or I draw something that inspires me. I think I could improve my image by moving the picture of the book a little so that you could see the full title of the book

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

HDR Photography

HDR Photography is taking several pictures from darkest to lightest -3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3 without making the slightest movement. After you have the pictures you combined all the photos into one picture, making the colors vibrant and looking like a painting.I like HDR photography because it makes the photos look more pretty and non realistic.But what I don't like about HDR photography is that you can't make any movement and it has to go from darkest to lightest,and if u don't have photoshop on your computer you have to get it,and if you don't have a computer then you have to get one.

Your first step would be to take pictures from low exposure to high exposure. The second step is to make sure that there is no camera movement, or else it wont turn out nice. Third is see if the photos are good and once they are you open up an the app that you will use, for me and my class we use photoshop. Your fourth step is once photoshop is open go to file<automate<merge to HDR pro and click on browse and choose the seven photos that you will use, then click the box at the bottom that says auto align, then press ok. Fifth is to make the changes that you want to make to your photo to make it unique and to your liking. Automatic HDR functions and is different because on your cellular device you can adjust the setting and and you get the picture you want. For example on apple devices, if you take a picture on your phone, then the camera will automatically be set to take an HDR photo.

When I was taking the series of photos, I wanted to make people amaze of the view and images that I've created. For my first photo which was a portrait I wanted to have a great background and have it surreal. For my experiment since I took it on the roof I wanted people to see how great the view was.